Heat Illness
Heat Illness - Heat Exhaustion is caused by dehydration
Initially lower-leg muscle cramps, thirst, exhaustion, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pale clammy skin, rapid weak pulse and rapid breath.
1. Lie patient down in a cool area. Loosen tight clothing at neck and waist. Raise legs slightly.
2 If alert and conscious, give frequent sips of water or ice chips. NO SALT.
3. If semi-conscious or unconscious put patient in recovery position, check airways and breathing and prepare for CPR. Call Triple Zero (000) or mobile 112 for an ambulance, if no immediate improvement.
Heat Stroke is a potentially fatal response to the body severely overheating High body temperature, ushed and dry skin, confusion, irritability, seizure, unconsciousness.
1. Call Triple Zero (000) or mobile 112 for an ambulance.
2. Apply ice packs or wet towels to patient’s armpits and groin, cover body with wet sheet.
3. If semi-conscious or unconscious put patient in recovery position, check airways and breathing and prepare for CPR until ambulance arrives. Check vital signs at regular intervals.